The Cosmic Vision of Teilhard De Chardin
* Catholic Media Association Honorable Mention / Faith and Science
“Although living conscious of the unfinished nature of the cosmos is wrought with the risk of uncertainty and the need for courage, the zest for life that arises from such an enterprise makes the struggle worth it. In The Cosmic Vision of Teilhard de Chardin, John Haught explores Teilhard’s many suggestions for embracing a more dynamic and exciting spirituality and for participating consciously in the awakening of our unfinished universe. This book is an essential read for those who are attempting to develop a cosmic vision and are encouraging others to do the same.”—Kathleen Duffy, SSJ, PhD, President, American Teilhard Association
“In an age of anxiety, pessimism, and distrust, John Haught’s book offers a new vision based on the writings of the Jesuit scientist, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, whose intellectual legacy is one of the best rapprochements between science and religion in the 21st century. The principal lens that governs this work is a cosmic theology of hope in an unfinished universe. Haught’s reflections on Teilhard provide a foundational understanding of a new metaphysics of the future, which is the only way an adequate theology of evolution can be formed. I highly recommend this book for those seeking a robust understanding of Teilhard’s theology, grounded in the biblical promise of hope and new creation. In an evolving universe, everything rests on the future.”—Ilia Delio, OSF, Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology, Villanova University
“This book is a tour de force by the leading American Teilhard scholar, John Haught. Drawing on his many years of scholarship, he highlights Teilhard’s significant contributions to a broadened theological worldview so urgently needed in our time.”—John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker, past President and Vice-President, American Teilhard Association
An expert in Teilhardian thought brings together for the first time Teilhard in conversation with other significant religious thinkers, philosophers, and scientists, including Kant, Whitehead, Barbour, Moltmann and Tillich, on topics ranging from the problem of suffering to astrobiology.
The Jesuit paleontologist and theologian, Teilhard de Chardin, has been much admired as well as much misunderstood. In this unique treatment, John F. Haught clarifies Teilhard’s thought, while not shying away from the controversies and criticisms. Each chapter explores a different topic—including the cosmos, spirituality, suffering, thought, God, and life—and how each topic has developed the author’s own theology. In particular, Haught focuses on the cosmic future and the implications of Teilhard’s thought for this century and beyond.”
John F. Haught, PhD, is Distinguished Research Professor, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. He specializes in systematic theology, with a particular interest in issues pertaining to science, cosmology, evolution, ecology, and religion. His many books include Resting on the Future: Catholic Theology for an Unfinished Universe, The New Cosmic Story, and A John Haught Reader.
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