Radical Gratitude
Mary Jo Leddy’s new book is a meditation on the miracle of the everyday and a guide to discovering what is most real in oneself. The process she describes leads to “radical gratitude” that allows the spirit to appreciate the earthy things that give true joy. Gratitude, she says, arises in the in-between space where the inner and outer worlds meet.
“In radical gratitude,” she writes, “the vicious dissatisfaction with life is broken. We begin to recognize what we have rather than what we don’t…we awaken to another way of being, another kind of economy, the great economy of grace in which each person is of infinite value and worth.”
Mary Jo Leddy is a writer who teaches theology at Regis College. For the last twelve years she has lived and worked with refugees in the Romero House Community in Toronto. She is the author of the best-selling Reweaving Religious Life and The Other Face of God: When the Stranger Calls Us Home. She is a recipient of the Human Relations Award of the Canadian Council of Churches,as well as the prestigious Order of Canada.