Oscar Romero and the Communion of the Saints
“Gratifyingly concise, with poignant clarity, understated in a fine and truly ‘Romero-esque’ way . . . . Romero comes alive as the credible witness that he really is to the Resurrection for our 21st century times.” –-Julian Filochowski, CAFOD, London
“Unprecedentedly violent, the twentieth century abounded in Christian martyrs, none more memorable than Oscar Romero (1917–80), Catholic archbishop of the capital of El Salvador, killed by a still unidentified gunman while celebrating a memorial mass in the chapel of his chosen residence as archbishop, a cancer hospice. In this copiously illustrated tracing of his life, Wright eventually points out the parallels Salvadoran Catholics have found between Romero and Jesus, principally that the final ministry of each lasted three years and that each proclaimed the truth of the faith unto death. Despite his own humble origins, Romero had given little intimation that he would be the tireless advocate of the poor and oppressed against the wealthy and powerful that he became. Within weeks of his archiepiscopal ordination, the death-squad assassination of his Jesuit friend Rutilio Grande catalyzed his transformation from seemingly shy, punctilious church bureaucrat into quietly implacable champion of the maltreated poor. Rife with quotations and therefore resembling a documentary-film transcript more than a formal biography, this is a fine commemoration of an exemplary man.” —Ray Olson, Booklist
This richly illustrated biography, revised and updated in light of his beatification, tells Oscar Romero’s courageous story, beginning with his humble origins and his early life as a relatively conservative priest and bishop, to the astonishing transformation that occurred in the last three years of his life. It offers a stunning portrait of the gospel challenge for our time.
Scott Wright is the coordinator of the Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean (EPICA), and coauthor of Oscar Romero: Reflections on His Life and Writings (Orbis, 2000).
Octavio Duran is a Salvadoran Franciscan, currently working in New Jersey. He served as Romero’s personal photographer and accompanied him on many travels.