Joanne Oldham – Good Morning No. 1
Joanne Oldham – Good Morning No. 1 zine, edited by Sammy Harkham / warehouse find of the first edition from 2012 / 6.5 x 9 inches, stapled, full color, 48 pages.
This is an all-time favorite publication and I’m glad I was able to stock it.
Here’s what I wrote in my 2012 post (time flies) about the book:
“The memoir excerpts in Good Morning No. 1 are incredibly moving, and I hope the full work will be published some day. Due to Joanne’s remarkable honesty and openness, her tales of growing up in Louisville in the fifties take on a heartbreaking and near mythic tone. She writes that “much of [her] adult life has been spent unraveling the tangled web of my childhood,” and reading her honest words I feel closer to unraveling my own tangled web, and what more can you ask for from a book?”