Jesus and the Gospel in Africa
“What Luther and Calvin are for evangelical Christians globally, Kwame Bediako is for many African evangelicals. From his dramatic conversion in 1970 to his death in 2008, Bediako was the primary architect of and inspiration for theological work that grappled with the realities of African culture.”—Bruce Barron, Christianity Today
This selection of writings by the late African scholar Kwame Bediako is the best source for insights into the Christ of present-day African History and the Jesus of African faith, showing how intimately bound together are the message of Jesus and the struggle for democracy. Bediako puts flesh on the idea that Christianity is today “lived in local languages long before it is translated into English and French.” Students and teachers of mission as well as those working in the field will find this an invaluable introduction to understanding Christianity as lived by countless Africans in a high stakes search for liberation and peace. Jesus and the Gospel in Africa offers astute insight into the Christ of present-day African history and the Jesus of African faith. Bediako shows how intimately bound are the message of Jesus and the struggle for African democracy. Presents an excellent introduction to understanding Christianity as lived by countless Africans.
Kwame Bediako (1945-2008), a native of Ghana, was trained as a patrologist and historian. He served as rector of the Akrofi-Christaller Institute for Theology, Mission and Culture in Akropong, Ghana, and was a pioneer in the exploration and advancement of African Christianity. His other books include Christianity in Africa: The Renewal of a Non-Western Religion.
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