Jesus and Buddha
“Written by two constructive theologians who have spent their lives interpreting Christianity for the contemporary period, rather than scholars committed to pure description. Perhaps most important, it models a respectful, even affectionate, encounter between traditions and ways of thinking. We witness in this book the wisdom of long study as well as a model for irenic curiosity and mutual nourishment in the encounter of the world’s religions.” —Wendy Farley, San Francisco Theological Seminary, in Journal of Religion
Two friends, one a Christian theologian, the other a Buddhist-Christian theologian, explore how a conversation between Christians and Buddhists can clarify and support a spirituality that is experientially real (mystical) as well as socially engaged (prophetic). From basic questions about Buddha and Jesus who were they? What did they teach? Paul Knitter and Roger Haight explore Buddhist and Christian notions about ultimate reality, human nature, spiritual practice, and the question of work for peace and social transformation. They also address the nature of interreligious dialogue and the possibilities of religious double belonging (is it possible? dangerous? necessary?).
Paul Knitter is professor emeritus of Union Theological Seminary in New York. He is the author of numerous books, including No Other Name?; One Earth Many Religions: Multifaith Dialogue and Global Responsibility, Jesus and the Other Names: Christian Mission and Global Responsibility, and Introducing Theologies of Religions (all from Orbis). His most recent work is Without Buddha I Could Not Be a Christian (Oneworld, 2013).
Roger Haight, a Jesuit priest, is Scholar in Residence at Union Theological Seminary, New York City. A former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, his many books include Jesus, Symbol of God, Dynamics of Theology; Christian Spirituality for Seekers; and Spirituality Seeking Theology(all from Orbis).