Christ All Merciful
While twenty-one beautiful, glowing icons lead us to encounter Jesus face-to face, the accompanying reflections by Megan McKenna call us to become ourselves this image of God, to put on the new life of Christ. As they have throughout the centuries, icons lead us, teach us, inspire us, and draw us into the presence of the divine. The full color images by modern iconographer William Hart McNichols include portraits of Jesus and Mary, of canonical saints and modern martyrs and witnesses.
Christ Emmanuel, Flowering Cross l St. John the Forerunner l The Nativity of Our Lord l
St. Joseph, Shadow of the Father l Jesus Christ Morningstar l
Nuestro Salvador de las Sandias l Christ All Merciful l Christ the Holy Silence l
Jesus Christ Extreme Humility l The Passion of Matthew Shepard l
Jesus Christ Holy Forgiveness l The Crucified Lord l The Risen Christ l
The Mandylion (The Face Not Made by Human Hands) l Santo Martir Rutilio Grande l
Hagia Hesychia l Jesus Christ Seraphic Guardian of the Blood l
Mother of God, Soothe My Sorrows l Sainte Therese de l’Enfant-Jesus l
Holy New Martyr Sister Mary Antionette, Daughter of Wisdom l
Dr. Megan McKenna is an internationally known author, lecturer, and retreat leader. She received her doctorate from Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, and has taught at colleges and universities in Chicago, Dublin, Dayton, and San Antonio. Her many books include And Morning Came: Scriptures of the Resurrection, Prophets: Words of Fire, Parables: The Arrows of God, Rites of Justice, Leave Her Alone, On Your Mark and Not Counting Women and Children. She lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
William Hart McNichols, a priest and icon painter, lives in Taos, New Mexico. Described by Time as being “among the most famous creators of Christian iconic images in the world,” his work has been featured in several books, including “You Will Be My Witnesses” (text by John Dear) and Mother of God, Similar to Fire (text by Mirabai Starr).