Catholic Social Thought
“This collection of texts is useful for classes focusing on the Catholic social tradition precisely because they bring key texts from that tradition together in one place, allowing for easy reference in the classroom.” —Review in Religion and Theology
This newly revised edition of the classic textbook offers students and scholars access to more than one hundred years of official statements of the Catholic Church on social issues. With documents ranging from Pope Leo XIIIs Rerum Novarum (1891) to Pope Franciss Laudato Sia (2015), this is the single most comprehensive collection available of the primary documents of Catholic social thought. Each document is preceded by an introductory essay and helpful notes, making it an exceptional teaching aid as well as reference tool.
David J. OBrien is Professor Emeritus of Catholic Studies at the College of the Holy Cross. He has served as President of the Catholic Historical Association.
Thomas A. Shannon is Professor Emeritus of Religion and Social Ethics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA.