Beloved Amazonia: The Apostolic Exhortation and Other Documents
This volume is an essential guide to this historic gathering, featuring both the Final Document of the Synod and Querida Amazonia, the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation issued by Pope Francis. He has commended both these documents to the attention of the church and the world, urging that they both be studied together. Also included is the Working Document that laid out the themes for the Synod.
In his fascinating introduction, Christopher Lamb, Rome correspondent for The Tablet (UK) provides a journalistic review of the lead-up to the Synod, an account of what transpired, and an analysis of the controversies at play. Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J., Co-Special Secretary of the Pan-Amazon Synod, provides an authoritative commentary on Querida Amazonia and the Final Document, addressing their particular meaning for the Amazon region and their relevance for the church as a whole. Just as the Amazon’s unique environment plays a vital role in the health of the planet, so a church with an Amazonian face calls the wider church to conversion, and to the renewal that comes from the periphery.