An Introduction to Theology in Global Perspective
“Beginning undergraduates and ministerial students alike will profit from this truly ‘catholic’ work.”–Mary Ann Hinsdale, IHM, Boston College
“A remarkable achievement.”–Richard R. Gaillardetz, University of Toledo
“A masterful and engaging argument for why systematic theology must be intentionally done in relation to context, and in today’s world, in relation to diverse global contexts.”–Crag Van Gelder, Luther Seminary
This highly praised text provides a contemporary and global perspective on doing Catholic theology, emphasizing theology as an activity, a process, anchored in Scripture and as interpreted by ecclesial Tradition and Magisterium: a theology rooted in the experience that the divine is to be found in a sacramental world and community. Bevans describes systematic theology as reflection upon the central teachings of the church — creation, sin, redemption, Trinity, anthropology, salvation and eternal life, ecclesiology–in a contextual light, as it makes sense in a world of cultural and religious plurality.
This book bears the hallmark of Bevanss work and experience teaching and doing pastoral work on five continents, bringing together insights garnered over a lifetime.