African Christian Leadership
The remarkable expansion of Christianity in Africa amid massive social challenges has created unprecedented opportunities for Christian leadership. Thousands of young congregations now provide local platforms for spiritual and social direction. Schools and Universities provide a wide range of educational opportunities. African Christians also find themselves exercising leadership in a wide variety of business, educational, media, social service, and governmental venues. They have lacked verified research data to develop new opportunities and improve existing support structures for contextually relevant Christian leadership training and development.
African Christian Leadership, the result of a multiyear study implemented by African scholars offers insights on the support and training necessary to promote African Christianity and to foster the healthy development of Africa.
Robert J. Priest is professor of anthropology at Taylor University. He is the former president of the American Society of Missiology (2013-2014) and of the Evangelical Missiological Society (2014-2017). Among his publications is This Side of Heaven: Race, Ethnicity, and Christian Faith (Oxford).
Kirimi Barine is an author, trainer, publisher and consultant. He is the founding director of Publishing Institute of Africa and author and co-author of several books, among them TransÂformational Corporate Leadership (Integrity).