The Diary of Jesus Christ
* Catholic Media Association Award Winner / Jesus – Christology
* Illumination Book Award Silver Medal, Catholic
“The Jesus we see here is the mystic, the one
who can spot wholeness in all our ruin and brokenness.”
—From the Foreword
Some readers may be uncomfortable with a Jesus whose interior life is full of doubts and questions. This is not the triumphant King of Glory we may have pictured. But I wonder if it’s not a more scriptural understanding of Jesus, who, we’re told, was “gentle and humble in heart” (Matt. 11:29), who could “do nothing on his own” (John 5:19), and who showed us what it meant to “[empty] himself” (Phil. 2:7). In the Nicene Creed, we repeat that we believe Jesus was “true God” who became incarnate and “was made human.”In The Diary of Jesus Christ, Cain shows us what that might have looked like: a Jesus who is genuinely human as well as divine, an infinitely lovable Jesus who is “not done loving us yet”—because “heaven will not be complete” until each one of us is there with him.— U.S. Catholic
An award-winning screenwriter and playwright provides a startling and beautiful work of religious imagination. Bill Cain’s The Diary of Jesus Christ is a first-person recounting of the life of Jesus, a new lens through which to see the familiar stories of the gospel—including the Passion.
The story begins with the healing of the leper, heralding the remarkable spirit that flows through the diary accounts—a spirit of discovery, surprise, learning, doubt, failure, and growth.
While obviously not really the diary of Jesus Christ, here is a first-person account of the life of Jesus by noted Jesuit playwright Bill Cain. The diary places us inside Jesus’s consciousness, where the spirit of discovery, surprise, learning, doubt, failure and growth is in sharp contrast to the canonical gospels where Jesus seems, from the start, self-assured and even predestined to fulfill his role. It is a bold attempt to understand the person whom more than two billion people claim as their savior.