Walter Rauschenbusch
“Amidst the massive injustices of late-modern global capitalism, Dr. Joseph Fahey has brought together key texts of Walter Rauschenbusch to remind us that Jesus’s ‘Social Gospel’ is indeed the true Gospel. Dr. Fahey’s historical introduction itself stands as a major contribution.” —Joe Holland, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy & Religion, St. Thomas University, FL
“Walter Rauschenbusch, famous for espousing a radical social gospel, said his life would have been an empty shell without his personal spiritual faith. This volume of his spiritual writings, superbly edited and introduced by Joseph Fahey, luminously conveys what he meant.” —Gary Dorrien, author, Breaking White Supremacy: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Social Gospel
Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918), a Baptist minister and theologian in Rochester, New York, was the primary voice of the Social Gospel movement in the United States in the early twentieth century. The foundational insight of this movement was that Jesus’ mission and message essentially concerned establishing the Kingdom of God here on earth. As Rauschenbusch noted, the “Our Father”—the only prayer that Jesus taught us—challenged us to build the Kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven.”
These writings had a large impact on a range of theologians and ministers, including Martin Luther King, Jr., and they prefigured many elements of liberation theology. This collection will help introduce Rauschenbusch’s profound message to a new generation.
Joseph J. Fahey is emeritus professor of religious studies at Manhattan College. He is the author of War and the Christian Conscience (Orbis).