Soul Seeing
“Challenging . . . sophisticated . . . interesting . . . provocative . . . heartfelt. These writers struggled with difficult themes and delivered.” —Catholic Press Association on “Soul Seeing”
Favorite writers look at the ordinary and see the extraordinary—the good and the beautiful that hides behind forms and breaks through experiences like flowers through cracks in a sidewalk.
Drawn from the multi-award winning spirituality column “Soul Seeing,” these 56 first-person accounts reveal the kindness in familiar faces, the divine in unexpected places, the sweetness in the sad, and the power in brokenness. Among the writers included are: James Martin, Heather King, Alice Camille, Richard Rohr, Joyce Rupp, Patrick T. Reardon, Brian Doyle, Mary DeTurris Poust, Michael Morwood, Sue Stanton, Heidi Russell, and Michael Leach.
Michael Leach is publisher emeritus of Orbis Books. He has authored or edited several books of his own, including Why Stay Catholic? (“Best Popular Presentation of the Catholic Faith” in 2012), and most recently, The Way of Kindness with James Keane and Doris Goodnough. He is the editor of the “Soul Seeing” column for the National Catholic Reporter.