Globalization, Spirituality & Justice: Navigating a Path to Peace (Rev Ed)
“Breath-taking scope, Daniel Groody has done what we might think impossible, to write something fresh, demanding, and generative on the theme of justice. . . . He reaches beyond Catholic social teaching, cites parallel teaching in other world religions, and focuses upon enfleshed models of risk, obedience, and generosity. ”-Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary
“Daniel Groodys Globalization, Spirituality, and Justice leavens the daunting and often chilling statistics that describe the contemporary world with the hope-filled vision of Catholic social teaching and a life-sustaining spiritual praxis.” –Wendy M. Wright, Creighton University
“A perceptive and skilled analysis of Christianity’s contribution to globalization that challenges readers to examine the relevance of religious faith . . . for a world engaged in a serious struggle for power.” -Horizon
“A must-have for anyone who leads a discussion group, or is a member of a justice group, as well as for those on the journey of faith who understand the need to engage in solidarity with the poor.”- Anglican Theological Review
This revised edition of the popular classroom text offers a theological reading of globalization and a global reading of theology.
Daniel G. Groody is a Holy Cross priest and associate professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, where he directs the Center for Latino Spirituality and Culture. He is the author of Border of Death, Valley of Life: An Immigrant Journey of Heart and Spirit, and editor of Gustavo Gutierrez: Spiritual Writings