Spirit of Fire: The Life and Vision of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Winner, Catholic Press Association Award and Independent Publisher’s Award
“The book to hook a new generation on the religious power of Teilhard’s vision of divine presence in matter and the evolving universe.”—Elizabeth A. Johnson, CSJ
“From the viewpoint of our present understanding of the universe it could be said that Teilhard is the most significant Christian theologian since St. Paul. . . Spirit of Fire is especially clear in its exposition of the mystical dimension of Teilhard’s life within this context.” –Thomas Berry
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin—renowned French Jesuit theologian, mystic, and scientist—helped bring Christian theology into creative dialogue with modern science and explored profound dimensions of the human condition.
Beautifully written and enhanced with scores of photographs that document his dramatic life—from the trenches of World War I, to paleontological research in China and travels in the Gobi Desert—Spirit of Fire also explores his difficulties with church authorities, the posthumous publication of his writings, and his ongoing legacy.
Ursula King, professor emerita of theology and religious studies, University of Bristol, co-founded the Teilhard Centre in London. Her many books include Christian Mystics: Their Lives and Legacies Throughout the Ages and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Essential Writings.