Gandhi and Jesus
“Well-organized and clearly written lending itself to a wide readership, layperson, student, and scholar alike.”—Religious Studies Review
“Terrence Rynne provides an extraordinarily sophisticated account of Gandhi’s teaching, and he does so in a way that defeats easy criticism of Gandhi’s continuing relevance. Rynne quite masterfully draws on the work C. F. Andrews, John Howard Yoder, Bernard Haring, and Walter Wink to show how Christians must have a stake in Gandhi. If that were not enough, he then helps us see how this Christian narrating of Gandhi can help us recover accounts of salvation that avoid some of the worst caricatures associated with satisfaction theories. I highly recommend this book!” –Stanley Hauerwas “Gandhi and Jesus”
Gandhi and Jesus is an insightful look at Christian salvation in light of Gandhi’s idea of nonviolent resistance. While Christianity has described salvation as “Jesus making satisfaction for humanity’s sin,” this has paradoxically led to an increase in and acceptance of violence. To Gandhi, however, a commitment to nonviolence was at the center of what Jesus taught, lived and died for and influenced his own teachings on satyagraha. Reflecting on what Gandhi, a confirmed Hindu, took from the life and teachings of Jesus is very illuminating for a Christian.
Terrence J. Rynne is the founder of the Marquette University Center for Peacemaking and a teacher of Peace Studies at Marquette. He lives with his wife in Winnetka, Illinois.