Faces of Jesus in Africa
Theological and missions worlds have long known the need to radically reinterpret christology for cultural realms not formed by Israelite and Western religious and cultural traditions. In Faces of Jesus in Africa, Robert Schreiter has compiled essays by ten creative French and English-speaking African theologians, thinkers who are moving beyond prescribing what should be done to actually doing it. Essays by Charles Nyamiti, Eloe Julien Penoukou, Douglas W. Waruta, and Zablon Nthanburi provide insights on African christologies today. Anne NaSimiyu-Wasike gives a glimpse of what happens when one interprets Jesus from a woman’s perspective. Cece Kolie asks if Jesus can be subsumed under the rubric of healer. Anselme T. Sanon explores how Jesus can be the master of initiation, Laurenti Magesa interprets Him as liberator, and Francois Kabasele as Chief, ancestor and elder brother.